

Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers CISCO2901/K9/CISCO2921/K9/CISCO2911/K9/CISCO2951/K9

Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 2900 Series Services Ready Engine Bundles
C2951-VSEC-SRE/K9Cisco 2951 SRE Bundle, SRE 700, PVDM3-32, UC, SEC Lic. PAKC$10,695.00
C2921-VSEC-SRE/K9Cisco 2921 SRE Bundle, SRE 700, PVDM3-32, UC, SEC Lic. PAKC$6,995.00
C2911-VSEC-SRE/K9Cisco 2911 SRE Bundle, SRE 300, PVDM3-16, UC, SEC Lic. PAKC$4,895.00
C2901-VSEC-SRE/K9Cisco 2901 SRE Bundle, SRE 300, PVDM3-16, UC, SEC Lic. PAKC$4,295.00
C2951-S-SRE-WAE/K9Cisco 2951, SRE 700 SM, NME WAE 502, WAAS Ent, IOS Sec PAKC$14,995.00
Cisco 2900 Series Secure Voice Bundles
C2921-VSEC/K9Cisco 2921 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC and SEC License PC$5,495.00
C2951-VSEC/K9Cisco 2951 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC and SEC License PC$9,395.00
C2911-VSEC/K9Cisco 2911 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC and SEC License PC$4,395.00
C2901-VSEC/K9Cisco 2901 Voice Sec. Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC and SEC License PC$3,695.00
Cisco 2900 Series Voice Bundles
C2951-CME-SRST/K92951 Voice Bundle w/ PVDM3-32,FL-CME-SRST-25, UC License PAKC$8,895.00
C2901-CME-SRST/K92901 Voice Bundle w/ PVDM3-16,FL-CME-SRST-25, UC License PAKC$3,195.00
CISCO2951-V/K9Cisco 2951 Voice Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC License PAKC$8,395.00
CISCO2921-V/K9Cisco 2921 Voice Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC License PAKC$4,495.00
CISCO2911-V/K9Cisco 2911 Voice Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC License PAKC$3,395.00
CISCO2901-V/K9Cisco 2901 Voice Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC License PAKC$2,695.00
C2921-CME-SRST/K92921 Voice Bundle w/ PVDM3-32,FL-CME-SRST-25, UC License PAKC$4,995.00
C2911-CME-SRST/K92911 Voice Bundle w/PVDM3-16,FL-CME-SRST-25, UC License PAKC$3,895.00
Cisco 2900 Series Secure Voice & Unified Border Element
C2901-VSEC-CUBE/K9C2901 VSEC  CUBE Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC SEC Lic, FL-CUBEE-25N/A$4,695.00
C2911-VSEC-CUBE/K9C2911 VSEC CUBE Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC SEC Lic, FL-CUBEE-25N/A$5,395.00
C2921-VSEC-CUBE/K9C2921 VSEC CUBE Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC SEC Lic, FL-CUBEE-25N/A$6,495.00
C2951-VSEC-CUBE/K9C2951 VSEC CUBE Bundle, PVDM3-32, UC SEC Lic, FL-CUBEE-25N/A$10,395.00
Cisco 2900 Series Security Bundles
CISCO2901-SEC/K9Cisco 2901 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAKC$2,895.00
CISCO2911-SEC/K9Cisco 2911 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAKC$3,595.00
CISCO2921-SEC/K9Cisco 2921 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAKC$4,595.00
CISCO2951-SEC/K9Cisco 2951 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAKC$8,395.00
Cisco 2900 Series Security and WAAS Express Bundles
C2921-WAASX-SEC/K9Router Bundle - C2921, WAASX F-License, Sec License, Max MemN/A$5,595.00
C2911-WAASX-SEC/K9Router Bundle - C2911, WAASX F-License, Sec License, Max MemN/A$4,395.00
C2901-WAASX-SEC/K9Router Bundle - C2901, WAASX F-License, Sec License, Max MemN/A$3,595.00
C2911-WAAS-SEC/K9Cisco 2911, SRE 700, Sec PAK, WAAS Ent SmallN/A$8,495.00
C2921-WAAS-SEC/K9Cisco 2921, SRE 700, Sec PAK, WAAS Ent MediumN/A$11,495.00
C2951-WAAS-SEC/K9Cisco 2951, SRE 900, Sec PAK, WAAS Ent LargeN/A$16,995.00
Cisco 2900 Series WAAS Express Bundles
C2921-WAASX/K9Router Bundle - C2921, WAASX Feature License, Max MemN/A$4,995.00
C2911-WAASX/K9Router Bundle - C2911, WAASX Feature License, Max MemN/A$3,495.00
C2901-WAASX/K9Router Bundle - C2901, WAASX Feature License, Max MemN/A$2,795.00
Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Router
CISCO2951/K9Cisco 2951 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,3 DSP,2 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPBC$7,500.00
CISCO2911/K9Cisco 2911 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,2 DSP,1 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPBC$2,695.00
CISCO2921/K9Cisco 2921 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,3 DSP,1 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPBC$3,695.00
CISCO2901/K9Cisco 2901 w/2 GE,4 EHWIC,2 DSP,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IP BaseC$1,995.00

