

Cables for WIC-1T, WIC-2T and WIC-2A/S

Cables for WIC-1T
CAB-V35MTV.35 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-V35FCV.35 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-232MTRS-232 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-232FCRS-232 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-449MTRS-449 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-449FCRS-449 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-X21MTX.21 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-X21FCX.21 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-530MTRS-530 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-232FC=RS-232 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-232MT=RS-232 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-449FC=RS-449 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-449MT=RS-449 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-530MT=Male DTE RS-530 Cable, 10 footN/A$100.00
CAB-V35FC=V.35 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-V35MT=V.35 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-X21FC=X.21 Cable, DCE, Female, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-X21MT=X.21 Cable, DTE, Male, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
Cables for WIC-2T and WIC-2A/S
CAB-SS-V35MTV.35 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-V35MT=V.35 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-V35FCV.35 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-V35FC=V.35 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-232MTRS-232 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-232MT=RS-232 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-232FCRS-232 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-232FC=RS-232 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-232FC-EXT=RS232 with extended control leadsN/A$200.00
CAB-SS-449MTRS-449 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-449MT=RS-449 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-449FC=RS-449 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-X21MTX.21 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-X21MT=X.21 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-X21FCX.21 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-X21FC=X.21 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-530MTRS-530 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-530MT=RS-530 Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-530AMTRS-530A Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00
CAB-SS-530AMT=RS-530A Cable, DTE Male to Smart Serial, 10 FeetN/A$100.00

